Tanoto Scholars Gathering is going to take things to another level this year.

“Embracing Humanity in the Digital world”

Two-days of virtual gathering filled with influential speakers and fun competitions like never before.

August 2, 2020
Learn And Lead

Built upon the positive changes towards scholars’ awareness and active contribution to the society and for the SDGs, the general theme of TSG is LEARN AND LEAD.

August 6, 2020
The First Virtual TSG

While the world became confined due to unprecedented global pandemic, the situation has also caused technology usage to increase more than ever. For the first time ever, #TSG2020 will be conducted virtually whilst maintaining TSG’s spirit of uniting scholars with one another and ingraining the values of Founders and Tanoto Foundation. Let’s navigate the New Normal with positive new behaviours… and knowledge!

August 8, 2020
Embracing Humanity in the New Normal World

This specific theme was chosen in the spirit of promoting RGE group and Tanoto Foundation values in putting people first, based on Founder and Chairman Sukanto Tanoto’s 5Cs business philosophy of doing what is good for the Community, Country, Climate and Customer, and only then will it be good for the company. The commitment was recently demonstrated when the Tanoto Foundation and RGE Group contributed millions of pieces of personal protective equipment to support health workers treating patients with COVID-19.

Describe our #TSG2020 with a sticker

Shout your ideas, be a leader, lead the changes
and share with us using #TSG2020.

The time has come for you to be the agents of change.