Philanthropy Is Encouraged To Collaborate
Philanthropy support to promote education in Indonesia is actually promising. However, philanthropic resources for education, both in terms of budgets and programs, should focus and collaborate with each other in order to bring a major impact on change.
The discussion came forth at the launching of the guide for education sector philanthropy activists in Indonesia initiated by the Asia Philanthropy Circle (APC). This guide has been developed based on a study supported by McKinsey & Company and AlphaBeta under the title of Productive Livelihood Catalysis: Educational Intervention Guidelines Through the Accelerated Track for Large-Scale and Maximum Impact.
President Director of McKinsey & Company Indonesia, Philia Wibowo, said that in order for education philanthropy to have an impact on better education changes in preparing the nation’s productive young generation, there are four areas that need to be focused on. These areas are teacher quality, teacher leadership and school governance, vocational education, as well as early childhood education and development.
According to Philia, the educational philanthropy guide on these four areas is reviewed based on a survey of 30 experts, 49 educational philanthropic actors, as well as 50 people from educational non-governmental foundations and organizations. “The good intention to improve education is extremely great. However, this educational philanthropy ranges only 2-5 percent of the government’s education budget. Therefore, in order for educational philanthropy to have an impact and to be able to be expanded to create a productive society, philanthropy activists need a guide so that the results are maximized, “said Philia.
Belinda Tanoto, a member of the APC as well as a member of the Board of Trustees of Tanoto Foundation, said the number of educational philanthropists has increased, but each works separately from one another. For this reason, the APC will establish a platform that will enable each one to synergize and do networking in order to be more focused and learn from each other.
In the guide launched by the APC, there are also 10 recommended initiatives that educational philanthropists may undertake to help complete the four focuses of education issues. In regard teacher quality, they can hold champion teacher program, use technology in teacher learning rooms, and activate teacher mentoring forum. A pilot school program, a principal academy, and an Indonesian teacher award program may also be undertaken in an effort to improve school leadership and governance.
To support vocational education, a training camp program in the industries can be established. As for the support of early childhood education, a program may be established in regard super cadres and village adoption.
Tanoto Foundation, which started its activities in 1981, has carried out various trainings for teachers in rural areas to improve their competence and capacity. To date more than 5,100 teachers have benefited from the trainings provided by Tanoto Foundation.
Edited from an article published in Harian Kompas, December 6, 2017, “Philanthropy Is Encouraged To Collaborate”.
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