Najwa Shihab: Reading Is….
Jambi Provincial Library and Archives Department held a talk show and dialogue in Jambi University on May 5, 2017. The activities were supported by Tanoto Foundation and attended by Zumi Zola, the Governor of Jambi; Sutan Adil Hendra, Member of Parliament; Woro Titi Haryanti, Deputy of Library Resources Development, National Library; and Najwa Shihab, Indonesian Reading Ambassador 2016-2020.
The talk show and dialogue was entitled “The Spirit of Literacy in the Middle of the Millennial Age”. It can not be denied that today, the millennial are hesitant to read books. Books are onto into gadgets with interesting social media presentation. Millennials and their gadgets are like best friends who can not be separated. Gadgets could be a vitamin or a poison, and Millennials must use them wisely.
Najwa Shihab told the audience that by reading, you could gain more knowledge, broaden your imagination, and sharpen your logic. Furthermore, she said that reading books can extend your life span: researchers from Yale University concluded that book readers had a span of 23 months more than non-readers.
Ciri khas Mba Nana, dari buku yg aku baca tentang @NajwaShihab dituliskan Mba Nana memang suka buat puisi ya combine aja. ?
— Judika Raja Gukguk (@judikargg) May 5, 2017
Fake news is a hot topic, and Najwa responded to this phenomenon by encouraging people to read more books to act as a filter. She added that by reading a lot, it will train the senses so we will not believe easily any information without confirming it first. But to be a comprehensive reader, you should train continuously.
Whenever she visits Jambi, Najwa keeps campaigning on the importance of reading books. On this occasion, Najwa also shared some reading tips: read an interesting book so you enjoy it, make it a habit, and use your free time to read books. It is advisable to always carry a book wherever you go, so you could read it anytime.
– Buku menarik (semenarik gebetan ups)
– kebiasaan, paksa melatih
– gunakan waktu luang (nunggu dosbing, misalnya) @NajwaShihab— Judika Raja Gukguk (@judikargg) May 5, 2017
Dalam kunjungannya ke Provinsi Jambi, Najwa Shihab terus menerus mengkampanyekan kegemaran membaca buku, pada kesempatan kali ini, Najwa shihab berbagi tips untuk giat membaca, yaitu: bacalah buku yang menarik, sehingga kita mampu menikmati buku tersebut, jadikan kegiatan membaca buku sebagai kebiasaan dan manfaatkan waktu luang untuk membaca buku, disarankan untuk selalu mengantongi buku ke manapun kita melangkah.
Selain itu, @tanotoeducation pun memiliki program Pelita Pustaka, mengkampanyekan membaca dengan cara yang seru dan menarik via games
— Judika Raja Gukguk (@judikargg) May 5, 2017
At the event, Tanoto Foundation provided a reading booth to introduce its Pelita Pustaka Program, which delivers exciting ways to read through various creative games. Dendi S Buana, Regional Project Manager at Tanoto Foundation, also voiced his passion for increasing literacy.
Technological development is an accomplishment, so we must use it wisely. It is hoped that the technological era won’t diminish the spirit of literacy, but help raise it through innovative ways.
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