Jadi TELADAN #5: How To Be Productive And Creative During Society 5.0?

Technology has definitely made our live easier in many respects. But it’s also disrupting industries and even entire societies, forcing us to adapt.
In 2016 the Japanese government introduced the concept of Society 5.0, a technology-based and human-centered society. In the fifth episode of Jadi TELADAN, our host Ricky Abraham sits down with Wisnu Nugroho, Editor-in-Chief of KOMPAS.com, and Anastasia Satriyo, Clinical Child Psychologist and Mental Health Activist, to discuss what the young generation needs to prepare to live in the Society 5.0 era.
This episode covers:
a. The role of technology in our lives
b. How to thrive in Society 5.0 era?
c. Tips to be productive and creative during Society 5.0 era
Indonesians are no strangers to technology, with 202.6 million people or around 73.7 per cent of the population using the internet. But when it comes to other forms of technology, such as AI, there are huge differences across geographies, with much greater use in major cities. “Those who live in the tier-2 cities or rural areas only use advanced technology when needed,” said Wisnu.
Preparing For Society 5.0
As Society 5.0 is the era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), the speakers said that young people need to be adaptive, creative and innovative.
The good news is Anastasia noticed that young people are quite adaptive with technology and know how to use the latest apps. “They happily use technology as it makes their life easier,” she said. However, she added that the younger generation still need help to analyse data or verify information. As was mentioned in the second episode of Jadi TELADAN, although they may be digital natives, young people are just as vulnerable as everyone else to hoaxes and fake news.
Moreover, as the VUCA era will be full of uncertainty and ambiguity, the speakers said that young people need to be creative and innovative to survive Society 5.0.
Speaking about job opportunities, for example, Wisnu said that professions that require human capacities, such as creative or analytical skills, would be in demand in the future. Hence, it is important for future leaders to hone their creativity to adapt with the era.
“Creativity cannot be forced, but it can be trained,” said Anastasia.
Get to know more http://bit.ly/JadiProduktifDanKreatif
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