Tanoto Foundation supports medical research with the aim of improving population health in Singapore and beyond. We believe that the goal of improving quality of healthcare and health standards can be achieved through partnerships with leading healthcare and research institutions in Singapore.

Through the Tanoto Foundation Medical Research Fund (MRF), the foundation aims to support research excellence and collaborative efforts to generate new knowledge and innovations that will help address prevalent diseases in Singapore and the wider region, such as diabetes, cardiology, oncology, infectious diseases and maternal and child health. In position as the first private philanthropic foundation to launch such a fund, Tanoto Foundation seeks to foster a culture of sustainable giving that amplifies the long-term impact of philanthropic-funded research.

The MRF’s main objectives are to support effective research (new discoveries), catalyse additional funding and cultivate local research talent in Singapore. Ultimately, the research outcomes should be made accessible and beneficial for the public good.

“Understanding and managing cardiovascular risks is crucial for diabetes patients' long-term health. Our research team of clinicians, engineers and immunologists, funded by the Tanoto Foundation Medical Research Fund, aims to explore Colchicine's potential as a low-cost solution to reduce cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes patients by addressing gaps in managing low-grade inflammation.”

Associate Professor Rinkoo Dalan
Tan Tock Seng Hospital

“Allergies impact up to 30% of the global population, with increasing prevalence in Southeast Asia. Research emphasizes the lasting impact of allergies on childhood wellbeing, yet strategies to prevent allergic responses remain elusive. With support from the Tanoto Foundation Medical Research Fund, we will investigate how allergies are transmitted from mothers to infants during pregnancy. Our goal is to understand why infants develop allergies to the same allergens as their mothers and find ways to prevent transmission, ultimately diminishing infant allergy cases.”

Associate Professor Ashley St John
Duke-NUS Medical School

“Our society is evolving with declining fertility rates posing challenges for women considering later pregnancies due to ovarian aging. At present its underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. Addressing these modern medical challenges and developing solutions is crucial. With support from the Tanoto Foundation Medical Research Fund, we aim to investigate the causes of ovarian aging and explore ways to promote ovarian health and extend female fertility.”

Professor Brian Kennedy
National University of Singapore

2024 Application Cycle


The MRF will grant up to S$5 million each cycle


Applications will be evaluated in two stages by an Advisory Panel, which comprises esteemed scientists and clinicians, and subsequently recommended to Tanoto Foundation Board for approval.

First Stage: Letter of Intent (LOI) evaluation

LOIs will be evaluated based on the significance and relevance of the research to MRF’s main objectives which are to support effective research (new discoveries), catalyse additional funding and cultivate local research talent in Singapore. Ultimately, the research outcomes should be made accessible and beneficial for the public good.

Second Stage: Full Proposal evaluation

Full proposals will be evaluated based on four general criteria:

  • Potential for impact – potential for translation and innovation to advance clinical practices and technical capabilities to improve health outcomes in Singapore.
  • Robustness of approach – relevance and robustness of strategy, methodology and analyses to accomplish project aims and impact outcomes.
  • Profile and track record of study team – the excellence and accomplishments of the study team and potential/plan for talent development, PI and Co-PI involvements and contributions to the study.
  • Strength of collaboration – the collaborative effort of multi-disciplinary teams, ideally involving cross collaboration across Singapore healthcare clusters.


  • Call for LOI: 09 September 2024
  • LOI deadline: 18 October 2024
  • Invite for Full Proposals: December 2024
  • Full Proposal deadline: January 2025
  • Announcement of results: April to May 2025

Click HERE to download the MRF guidelines and submission instructions.

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