Friday, 19 June 2015

Tanoto Foundation Supports the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals for Education

Ibu Imelda Tanoto shook hand with Bapak Badrodin Haiti after launching of Grha Tanoto.

Written by Sulaiman Waruwu, Tanoto Foundation Riau.

Improvement of access to and quality of education are some of Tanoto Foundation activities that are in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs.) The Sustainable Development Goals that are related to education aim to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

To achieve these goals, Tanoto Foundation supports the improvement of “hardware” and “software” of the education sector. This was mentioned by Imelda Tanoto, member of Tanoto Foundation Board of Trustees during the launching of Grha Tanoto and Tanoto Library at Universitas Bhayangkara Jaya on June 15, 2015.

“To improve access to education, we support the “hardware” part of education by building learning facilities such as Grha Tanoto and Tanoto Library. To improve the quality of education, Tanoto Foundation supports the “software” by improving teachers and lecturers capacity and supporting various researches by university students or lecturers,” said Imelda Tanoto.

Imelda Tanoto further said that education is one of the main elements in poverty alleviation. “My parents, Bapak Sukanto Tanoto and Ibu Tinah Bingei Tanoto believe that education is the key to break poverty cycle. In addition, various studies have concluded that when a group of people has a high level of education, then the opportunity for success and their quality of live will also be high,” she added.

In addition to having Tanoto Library as its facility, Grha Tanoto also has several class rooms and auditorium. The Library is equipped with access to thousands of international journals and Radio-Frequency Identification-based system to support the library’s books security and management. Tanoto Foundation worked with Brata Bhakti Foundation to build these facilities.

To improve access to higher education, Tanoto Foundation has provided more than 5,200 scholarships and collaborates with 28 universities in Indonesia. To further support high quality learning at university level, Tanoto Foundation also has built Tanoto Library ant Prasetiya Mulya Jakarta as well as at PPM Manajemen, and Tanoto Floor at Forestry Faculty of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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